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Atwater Gets Accused of Being a Murder on Chicago Promo PD 10x06 (Oct. 19, 2022)
Chicago PD 10x06 | Parents attack Atwater for killing their son & Chief suggests Sympathetic Reflex
Chicago PD 10x06 | Atwater shares victims last words with his patents | ending scene
Chicago PD 10x06 | Atwater teaching a class of patrol officers
Chicago PD 10x06 | Team catches a break and takes suspect into custody
Atwater Chases Down His Key Suspect | Chicago P.D.
🎥 Chicago PD 10x06 Promo Sympathetic Reflex HD
Atwater Calls Celeste Cliffhanger on Chicago PD 9x19 (Apr. 20, 2022)
Chicago PD 9x19 Promo "Fool's Gold" (HD)
Chicago PD 10x06 | Torres goes undercover into lockup and makes the suspect talk
Hailey Gets Hit on Chicago PD Promo 10x05 (Oct. 12, 2022)